Our Expertise

WordPress Support & Maintenance Packages

WordPress development

WordPress care plans starting from only £49 per month

As a business owner or marketing manager, you know the importance of having a well-maintained website. It’s the foundation of your online presence, and a poorly managed site can lead to security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and a frustrating user experience for me and my visitors.

That’s where our expert WordPress support and care plans come in.

Expert UK WordPress support services

WordPress is a powerful and flexible platform, but it also requires regular updates, backups, security monitoring, and ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance and security. Neglecting these tasks can lead to:

  • Security breaches and hacked websites
  • Slow loading times and poor user experience
  • Compatibility issues with plugins and themes
  • Loss of data and content

Trying to handle all of these tasks in-house can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially if you don’t have dedicated WordPress experts on your team.

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Desktop and mobile web design

Hassle-free WordPress maintenance for your business

We offer 3 tiers of monthly WordPress care packages, tailored to meet the specific needs of WordPress website owners. All of our packages include the following as standard:

Bespoke website build

Core WordPress Updates

We’ll keep your WordPress core, plugins, and themes up-to-date with the latest security patches and feature releases.

Cloud backups

Comprehensive Backups

Regular backups of your website’s files and databases, ensuring you can quickly recover from any data loss or site issues.

Website security

Security Monitoring

Our team will actively monitor your site for potential security threats and take proactive measures to protect your website.

Community management

Dedicated Support

You’ll have access to our team of WordPress experts for any questions, issues, or assistance you need.

Website audit

Monthly Report

You’ll receive a detailed report outlining all the work completed on your site, as well as key performance metrics, so you can stay informed about your website’s health.

Website speed

Optimised WordPress Hosting

Our WordPress care plans can be combined with our high-performance, secure WordPress hosting solutions for optimal site performance.

Don't let WordPress maintenance become a burden

Partner with a WordPress UK specialist and focus on growing your business while we take care of your website's health and performance.

Let's get Started

WordPress support services

We understand the challenges website owners face without in-house technical expertise. That’s why we offer comprehensive WordPress support through our monthly care plans or ad-hoc services, ensuring your website runs smoothly without any hassle.

Website audit

Website audit

Our website audits can cover the health of your website from a technical perspective, but also review your existing standing in the market against your competitors with SEO analysis.

Website improvements

Website improvements

We can work with your team to not only get those updates done that you’ve been thinking about for ages, but also pro-actively recommend changes that will improve your conversion rate.

Website speed

Website speed

Users hate a slow loading website, and Google does too! We can recommend and implement changes to shave those loading times right down to avoid that dreaded high bounce rate.

Website security

WordPress security

Prevention is far better than reaction with website security. If your website is not well maintained, a hack can expose you to data leaks and loss of hard-earned Google rankings.

Plugin maintenance

WordPress maintenance

We provide monthly WordPress maintenance packages to make sure your WordPress core version, plugins and theme all work consistently seamless together.

Website consultancy

Consultancy & training

The more competent you and your team are at managing your own WordPress website the better. We can provide consultancy and training in all areas of your website and digital marketing.